Permission to love

Image Courtesy: Google Images “You don't know my reasons, So why judge me for my decisions?” “Right or wrong, we shan’t see, Judged in our eyes, you always will be. Doesn’t matter if you get beaten or abused Even if being overpowered is all you ever rued; So what if your dark skin isn't your fault; Your bravery needs to be brought to a halt. Listen up you, a girl you are, If you dare to fall in love, you’ve gone too far! As for a guy, it’s his wish as to who he chooses, Be it for sleeping or marrying or loving as he pleases. But you can't desire him, until you are, by him, chosen, And don't be offended even if you're not his first one. Why wouldn’t we judge you when you leave him for another, for its worth ridicule when the commodity becomes the bidder! ’cause once you’ve been loved ’n you loved back, you mustn’t find a new love, Since a guy may come n look for you, in his rightful continuous search for ...