The Journey of Love

I once met this guy,
he swept me off my ground;
A feeling of solace and fullness,
in his company I found.
Like two split pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
his hands did fit  in mine;
His envelope of arms made me feel like a Sufi,
who finally found his shrine.

I feel like a revered Goddess
when he looks at me;
Just like a delicate flower
he takes care of me.
No riches in the entire world
could bargain for his love;
I bet he was sent just for me,
by the Divine, from the heaven above.

In our journey of love, as we face
some trials and a few tribulations,
The dream to become one
reinforces the strength of our foundation.
His love and his company
is all I need in life, each day;
May our bond of love be everlasting,
.is all I pray night and day.


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