
The Earthquake That Jolted Me

Today is day 1 of Chaitra month of the Hindu lunar calendar. With Chaitra Shukla Paksha begins the Hindu new year; we start following the next lunar calendar from today. It is a day of new beginnings. Navreh, as us Kashmiris call it, is a beautiful festival of happiness, food, good wishes, and love. But on this day of new beginnings, I still am unable to shed the thoughts that came over me last night. For a majority of us living in North India, last night was nothing less than a nightmare, especially for those living in high rise buildings. Usually in such moments I panic less and I am able to keep my head in place to think and act as needed. However last night was different. The intensity as well as the duration of the earthquake, the fact that we live so high up in a tower, the fact that my kiddo was fast asleep, and the fact that I’m expecting, were all things that cumulatively sent me into a panic mode. I panicked, loudly chanting Lord Shiva’s name, holding onto my child, and screa...

Motivating the Motivation Within Us

Motivation is an intrinsic thing… an instinct. No outside force, however persuasive or commanding, can ever actually motivate anyone, because motivation is inborn. I discovered this in a parenting (un-parenting) program that I’m following these days, and it made me reflect on not just children but also adults. What motivates us? Is it other people? Money? Peer pressure? A promise of reward? A fear of punishment? What?? And the answer is very cliche- it is our own self. Persons with alcoholic addiction do not take steps to cure their addiction, no matter how much people tell them, until they admit to themselves and are willing to do it. People with poor health don’t take steps towards better health just because their medical reports aren’t well. They do so because they want to. A person on the path of self-realisation does not pursue it just because he is being told to meditate, but because he wants to. I have numerous more examples, because I’ve been extensively thinking about this top...

Of Superstitions and Pregnancy

I had written the following piece during my pregnancy, but never got around to publish it, until now. It is not so much a piece of blog, as it is a journal entry. ~ Maanvi 31/01/2018 Today is a happy day for me: the weather is good, I feel no sickness or tiredness, and most importantly, I am deliberately trying to keep myself in a happy mood. But it was not easy to achieve. Today there is going to be a lunar eclipse and I have been asked by my family to follow some rules and restrictions that are believed to be done during pregnancy. It has had me upset for the past couple of days, but today I am decidedly happy and don't want to be bothered by the eclipse. Belief is a very big phenomenon. I feel that its worth is underappreciated, in spite of so many believers in God everywhere. They say faith can move mountains; and I truly believe in it. What makes me believe? For that matter, what makes anyone believe in anything? As per my understanding there are two reasons...

Life, As I See It

At dawn She is a new mother to you, the baby crying helplessly in Her arms. By morning She is feeding, and nurturing you, 'cause you are Her dearest one. It's noon and She watches you explore, learn, laugh, cry; She talks to you, guides you, as you look around and give each new experience a try. Soon you drift away from the shelter of Her love, looking for more; Patiently She waits, waits to see you return to Her. As sunset approaches and you sense Her absence, you start to look for Her, still holding your handful of possessions. She is still right there but invisible to you due to your ignorance. By dusk time when you feel a deep, dark, void, you call Her out but She isn't there. Unbeknownst to you She awaits too; with arms wide open, yearning for you to seek Her. The Night's here and you're still not close to Mother; so you tread all possible paths to reach Her. She, too, helps to clear the obstacles in your way, Her kind heart singing for you in joy!...

Pleasures and Pains: The Unparalleled Journey of a Would-be Parent

I once heard that humans have a tendency to call anything that happens easily, a miracle. I could truly relate with that when I saw those two pink lines that announced unbound hopes, joys, and a lifetime of being-a-parent for me and my husband. My pregnancy is nothing short of a miracle to me, and it has reaffirmed my faith in God's immense grace. As I go about grappling with the everyday struggles and challenges of pregnancy, I cannot help but revel in the surreal realization of the impending happiness. Each morning I wake up thanking this little one for having chosen us. Although my husband and I weren't consciously planning to embark on this journey anytime soon, but now that we are here, we both know that it is definitely something we both wanted! Each day of pregnancy dawns with new hopes, renewed challenges, increased enthusiasm, and sometimes declining energies... basically every day is different. Pregnant women have a go-to explanation, one which we are happy to ...

The Journey of Love

I once met this guy, he swept me off my ground; A feeling of solace and fullness, in his company I found. Like two split pieces of a jigsaw puzzle his hands did fit  in mine; His envelope of arms made me feel like a Sufi, who finally found his shrine. I feel like a revered Goddess when he looks at me; Just like a delicate flower he takes care of me. No riches in the entire world could bargain for his love; I bet he was sent just for me, by the Divine, from the heaven above. In our journey of love, as we face some trials and a few tribulations, The dream to become one reinforces the strength of our foundation. His love and his company is all I need in life, each day; May our bond of love be everlasting, .is all I pray night and day.

A Modest Tribute

रूठ के हमसे यूँ चले गए, आपकी याद में यह दिल रो रहा है; ख़ामोशी से यह क्या ग़ज़ल कह गए, कि दिल का हर साज़ बेसुर हो रहा है. ज्ञान का सागर था बहता झर-झर, पर हम प्यासे भटकते इधर-उधर; न कुछ लिया आपसे, न कुछ कर सके आपको अर्पण, और आपके अंतिम आशीष को तरसते हम मूढ़-मन! "नारायण हरि " का नाम आपके मधुर स्वर में, अब केवल गूँज रह गई है हमारे इन कर्णों में ; शिष्टाचार, आचार-विचार, सब आप ही से सीखा हमने, पर अब इस जीवन को कैसे सुधारें ,बिन उत्तम-मार्गदर्शन के. आयु बीत जाती है, एक गुरु-दीक्षा कमाने में, पर हमारे गुरु तो आए थे  'टाठाजी ' के बहाने में; न अब गुरु रहे, न गुरु-ज्ञान, न गुरु की वाणी रही, न गुरु-प्रेम; अब तो बिन ताल ही स्वर सजाने हैं जीवन के तराने में. Translation : You went away from me, like you were upset, Your memories make my heart weep; You’ve silently spoken a verse, And no note of the heart’s music suits it. An ocean of knowledge was gushing by me, But ignorant of my thirst, I roamed hither and thither; Never benefited...